Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Diabetic or Person with Diabetes

When it comes to your health and self-identity, sometimes what you call yourself can have more meaning than you intend.

For instance, dealing with diabetes can be a tricky topic.

Some people prefer the brevity of “diabetic,” while others would rather be a “person with diabetes.” “Are you a person with diabetes or a diabetic?”

No matter what you call yourself, others can be sensitive.

Here are some different perspectives on how to decide if you’re diabetic or a “person with diabetes”

Some people say it’s “‘The person before the disease’ so it would be most correct to speak of a person with diabetes, rather than a diabetic. That would be politically-correct usage.

However the word diabetic has been used in popular jargon for a long time. It might be hard for somebody to say you meant to be mean when so many patients themselves say, I’m diabetic”

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